Detweiler Training & Seminars
Be Fit for Diversity! deutsch dotted_line english dotted_linecontactdotted_linesitemapdotted_lineprint

Concept of Diversity

Diversity exists because every human being, every organisation is different.

Normally people feel comfortable when they are in the company of people who tend to think and act similar to themselves. This aspect can be observed in the selection process when building teams or hiring in organizations where the differences in thinking and behaviour can create a feeling of uncertainty and lead to irritation and rejection.

In the new millennium a paradigm shift is taking place: Integration, cooperation in a spirit of mutual respect and equal opportunity are in focus. Differences are specifically leveraged in order to drive companies and organisations forward.
Management is therefore confronted with the challenge of how to create conditions conducive to harnessing diversity for the betterment of all. The differences among employees is nothing new, but it is the attitude and association with them that will unlock the potentialities that diversity offers.

Signee of the Charter for Diversity

Many corporations and public institutions have signed the Charter for Diversity (Charta der Vielfalt), because they have recognized that the acceptance and promotion of the multi-faceted potential of diversity has its economic advantages. Their goal is to create an environment free from prejudice and exclusion.

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© 2002 – 2019     Dr. Mitra Detweiler     Detweiler Training & Seminars     Holzhausenstraße 80     D - 60322 Frankfurt