Detweiler Training & Seminars
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Do you have a moment?

November 2010
Who can afford to ask this question in today's often hectic working environment? Generally, fulfilling our duties is done in the shortest amount of time possible - „Time is money“ after all. This works until we are confronted with something „different“. The more complex „different“ is with its many facets, the stronger the realization, that our standard solutions, which are applied like reflex actions for these new challenges, fail. The usual behavioural and operational patterns and schemes no longer work when dealing with these complex and new kinds of situations. For an organisation, that is looking to take full advantage of the diverse potential of its employees in a time of constant change …

… the clash of differences should be the normal matter of course. That is an inherent part of diversity. The question is whether the clash of opinions, ways of thinking, cultures, gender, behaviour, etc. is seen as a threatening conflict or as a chance to find new kinds of solutions to the challenges at hand through appropriate attitudes and skills.

The distinction between these two attitudes and managing tension when encountering differences are key elements of developing Diversity Competence. Using these skills implies, however, that more time may be required than doing something in the ordinary way like a reflex reaction, that could have terrible consequences – even if it first seems to save time . That is how valuable time can be.

Are you fit for Diversity?

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