Detweiler Training & Seminars
Be Fit for Diversity! deutsch dotted_line english dotted_linecontactdotted_linesitemapdotted_lineprint


How much Diversity can an organisation cope with ?

August 2011
This is the title of an article I wrote, which will be published in the September 2011 edition of the German language journal 'diversitas'. In it, the chances and risks that Diversity brings are discussed, and suggestions are made on how to acquire the necessary skills, in order to profit from Diversity and not be intimidated by it. What needs to be considered, if a diverse team is to achieve innovative results from the cooperation of its members? This question is.....

..........examined based on a study.
Is  tolerance  towards those different than ourselves enough in order to cultivate the potential inherent to diversity? How successful is the German Equal Opportunity Law (AGG) as a top-down measure to prevent discrimination?
Finally, the model of Balance between Diversity and Conformity is introduced and its advantages when applied in different areas affected by diversity.

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