Be Fit for Diversity! | deutsch english |
Customer Feedback and References„ … The overwhelming response to her courses and workshops embraced satisfaction with the depth of content, surprise at the wealth of creative insight, and a heart-felt enjoyment of the humour and skill in the presentations. Although we had invited Mitra to present the course to our international clients, we were so impressed with her approach to cultural diversity that we decided to ask our key administrators at the school who were dealing with the students, staff and parents from over 30 nationalities, to attend Mitra‘s seminar. The participants could apply what they learnt in the seminar in their work-life and we were amazed and pleased with the outcome. Mitra’s preparation for all her workshops, exhibitions and lectures is exemplary with a tremendous attention to all details. I have found Mitra to be honest and truthful in all her dealings with our organisation and I am confident she will add values to any organisation who may be interested in availing itself of her services. I recommend her services without any reservation.“ Townshend International School, Managing Director
„Frau Dr. Mitra Detweiler ist seit 2008 vom Zentrum für Aus- und Fortbildung (ZAF) mit der Durchführung verschiedener Seminare zum Thema Interkulturelle Kompetenz und Diversity Management beauftragt. Im Einzelnen hat Frau Dr. Detweiler folgende Seminare (Dauer jew. 2 Tage) durchgeführt:
Frau Dr. Detweiler hat uns als Trainerin überzeugt – sowohl durch ihre hohe fachliche Qualifikation, als auch durch ihre Auswahl der Lehrmethoden. Die Beurteilungen der Seminarteilnehmerinnen und -teilnehmer waren fast alle im Bereich „sehr gut“ und „gut“. Die Teilnehmerinnen und Teilnehmer bescheinigen einen hohen beruflichen und persönlichen Nutzen, eine klare Seminarstruktur und die hohe Kompetenz der Trainerin. Zentrum für Aus- und Fortbildung Hamburg, Organisationseinheit des Senats der Freien und Hansestadt Hamburg
‘I thought that I would have to spend my time here and just listen for two days. However, from the first to the last minute I was involved.’ ‘I got a systematic overview of the very complex topic of diversity in this seminar.“ „Mrs. Detweiler always had us participating. Not a moment of boredom.’ ‘Finally a kind of handbook for intercultural situations! Up until now I was uncertain and floundering.’ Quotations from Seminar Participants |