Be Fit for Diversity! | deutsch english |
Diversity ManagementDiversity Management isthe active and creative examination of diverse differences and similarities and appreciation thereof as potential for an organization. Diversity Management isthe development and promotion of a common identity for an organization. Diversity Management isimbedding the principle that diversity sets potentialities free in all business processes. Diversity Management leveragesthe differences of individuals and identity groups systematically as a strategic resource to solve complex problems. To be able to manage diversity in a way that it is not considered as a disruption but as a resource to be used, is actually the new challenge for senior management (and their teams). The point made in the theory of diversity management is that differences should be recognized and used proactively, and the attempt not be made to level down differences by minimizing them. Only when differences have been accepted, can they be actively incorporated and taken advantage of. The variety of differences and similarities within an organization needs to be developed and its potential actively managed. This requires, that diversity as strategic potential is embedded in the consciousness of top management, senior managers, and employees. Part of a successful business strategy is to sensitize the organisation on this topic. The handling of diversity is established therefore as a valuable competence and skill. Source: Lüthi / Oberpriller; Dr. Günther Vedder, University in Trier;
Many corporations and public institutions have signed the Charter for Diversity (Charta der Vielfalt), because they have recognized that the acceptance and promotion of the multi-faceted potential of diversity has its economic advantages.
GABAL stands for ‘Gesellschaft zur Förderung Anwendungsorientierter Betriebswirtschaft und Aktiver Lehrmethoden in Hochschule und Praxis e.V.’. The organization is an institution that promotes a holistic approach to advanced training and continuing education.
‘I have received a bag full of tools here, that I can take back to my job and apply to my work.’
‘I got a systematic overview of the very complex topic of diversity in this seminar.’
‘Mrs. Detweiler always had us participating. Not a moment of boredom.’