Detweiler Training & Seminars
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Another Review of the Year - a bit different

December 2011
If you like to look back on the past year from the view of the various aspects of Diversity Management, then let the following potpourri of questions assist you in doing so: * Have you been able to further develop the capacity of perceiving differing viewpoints in a more conscious and objective way without feeling personally hurt or attacked? * Have you heard of the 'Charter of Diversity'? Do you know its purpose? * Were goals defined in your organisation for the development of Diversity Management? If so....

......If so, what are they, and what is the timeframe for achieving them?

* Do you believe that the corporate cultural in your organisation has changed this year in the sense that Diversity is considered as an enriching factor and not that much as a disturbing one?

* Are you of the opinion, that steps were taken this year in your organisation to promote a process-oriented mind for activities?

* How easy is it for you to hold back on your judgement, when you encounter a point of view or behaviour that you do not immediately understand? Have you been able to do/achieve anything in this regard this year?

Again this year, I encourage you to forward these questions on to your colleagues and have a conversation around them. You will be amazed, how useful that conversation can be for all participants. Enjoy!


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